Anstey's Road
location marker icon Hanham, South Gloucestershire

Homes England is bringing forward a new neighbourhood at the former Kleeneze site

Homes England has submitted an outline planning application to South Gloucestershire Council for the redevelopment of the former Kleeneze site. The Council is currently conducting their own consultation on the plans. The planning application reference is P21/07602/O. Please visit for details.

As a government agency, Homes England has responsibility for accelerating new residential development, to help meet the much recognised local and national need for new homes, improve neighbourhoods and grow communities. Homes England is committed to helping unlock land where the market will not, to get more homes built where they are needed – homes that are both affordable and suitable.

The Anstey’s Road site in Hanham is a previously developed ‘brownfield’ site close to Hanham High Street and it has been vacant for many years. Although Tesco received planning consent in 2013 for a supermarket, it has not happened. Homes England has therefore stepped in, acquiring the site in early 2020 to actively support new homes for Hanham.

We aim to rejuvenate this disused brownfield site by creating a vibrant new community with much-needed homes, including affordable homes, and provide excellent walking and cycling links into Hanham High Street.

Key aspects of the scheme include:

  • a variety of homes for local people, reflecting local need
  • flexible floorspace for community/employment needs
  • a central public open space
  • high-quality design
  • connecting with Hanham High Street, supporting the local economy
  • sustainability, encouraging walking and cycling
  • great placemaking, in keeping with the character of an urban village

An update from Forkers on the enabling works

Forkers Limited are underway with Phase 2 of the enabling works at Anstey’s Road. Further site investigation works have been undertaken and probe drilling works are currently ongoing towards the north of the site.

It is anticipated that the first phase of drilling work will be completed in the next 1-2 weeks, with a second, shorter phase being undertaken in late August, following the completion of Sealtech’s new access.

The current overall phase of work is estimated to be completed by mid-September. Please click here to see a letter providing more information.

Key project milestones

Swipe left or right to view upcoming or completed milestones.
Site acquired by Homes England.
February 2020
Previous Milestone

Homes England purchases the site in order to bring forward plans for new homes.

A highly experienced multi-disciplinary team led by BDP is appointed
Summer 2020
Previous Milestone

Their brief, from Homes England, is to produce a strong, well designed, market-facing masterplan and secure an outline planning permission.

September 2020 – May 2021
Previous Milestone

Our multi-disciplinary team works up a masterplan for the site that provides a framework to guide development. As part of the masterplanning process, detailed feedback from developers was sought to understand their ambitions and robustly test the commercial viability of plans. This is important to ensure that what Homes England receive outline planning consent for will be built – i.e., the masterplan can stand the test of time. It also ensures that the public financial investment, made to deliver the site, is protected.

Draft Masterplan is published for consultation
June 2021
Previous Milestone

A Draft Masterplan of the Anstey’s Road site is published for public consultation.

Enabling works begin
Summer 2021
Previous Milestone

Site enabling works will be required to clear and prepare the site.

Outline planning application submitted
Autumn 2021
Current Milestone

An outline planning application has been submitted to South Gloucestershire Council, who will decide if the principle of the development is acceptable. If outline planning permission is given, it will be subject to a Section 106 agreement, which will set out development obligations on the developer, which will include 35% affordable housing.

Marketing the site for a development partner
Autumn/Winter 2023
Upcoming Milestone

With the enabling works complete and outline planning permission secured, Homes England will market the site to bring a development partner on board.

Homes England to appoint development partner
Summer 2024
Upcoming Milestone

In Summer 2024, Homes England hope to appoint a development partner who will build the new homes proposed, subject to Reserved Matters planning permission. Our development partner will build the scheme out under a building lease. Unlike a usual landowner, Homes England stays involved throughout the development process to ensure the homes are built to the necessary standards and the integrity and design/management principles of the original masterplan are maintained. The freehold is not released until individual plots are sold or a body is appointed to manage the site.

Reserved Matters planning application submission
Summer 2025
Upcoming Milestone

Our development partner will work up the fine grain detail of the scheme in line with the original masterplan and submit a Reserved Matters planning application. This will determine matters such as the detailed design of the homes and public spaces. Further public consultation will be undertaken at this stage.

Construction begins
Autumn 2025
Upcoming Milestone

Subject to Reserved Matters planning permission from South Gloucestershire Council, we hope that work could start on site in Spring 2023.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments about the plans, please get in touch using the details below.

Email: [email protected]

Freephone: 0117 441 4004

Freepost address: Freepost Cratus Communications (no further address details or stamps required).